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If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail. (Abraham Maslow)

Published on Saturday 11 May 2024

Tags: TypeScript1 JavaScript1 Software Development1 Programming1

TypeScript Is Here to Stay

Explore why TypeScript is capturing developers' interest despite criticism. This post dives into TypeScript's robust type system, its advantages for project scalability, and its growing popularity as evidenced by GitHub trends.

In the ever-changing jungle of software development, TypeScript has not only found its own tree but has also stubbornly hung onto it, despite some developers throwing stones its way. In this post, we'll look at why some developers are not keen on using TypeScript and talk about why they might want to give it a chance.

The Evolution of JavaScript

JavaScript has been the backbone of web development for decades, thriving on its ability to adapt and evolve. However, as projects grew more complex, developers started facing significant challenges, particularly with maintaining large codebases. Enter TypeScript in 2012, developed by Microsoft, to address these challenges head-on.

TypeScript was designed to bring static typing to JavaScript, allowing developers to catch errors early in the development process and manage larger codebases more efficiently. This section of the article would explore how TypeScript has grown from a supplementary tool to a primary language for many large-scale applications.

Why Do Some Developers Dislike TypeScript?

Before diving into the benefits, let's address why some developers might shy away from TypeScript:

  • Learning Curve
  • Verbose Code
  • Compilation Step
  • Integration Issues
  • Tooling Overhead

Despite these points, the advantages and growing adoption suggest a different story.

Why TypeScript Is Here to Stay

TypeScript offers compelling advantages that not only address JavaScript's concerns but also bring substantial long-term benefits:

TypeScript's static type checking prevents many common bugs, enhancing:

  • Fewer Runtime Errors
  • Improved Code Quality
  • Better Developer Tooling

TypeScript's clear type expectations lead to:

  • Easier Collaboration
  • Scalable Codebases
  • Long-Term Cost Efficiency

Community and Ecosystem

TypeScript's adoption by major frameworks like Angular, support in tools like Visual Studio Code, and its inclusion in many boilerplate projects underscore its growing community support. This section would highlight how the TypeScript ecosystem has evolved, including the rise of community-driven DefinitelyTyped project, which provides type definitions for existing JavaScript libraries, making it easier for developers to integrate TypeScript into their projects.

GitHub's pull requests over the years show a decline in JavaScript's popularity versus a rise for TypeScript, indicating a shift in developer preference.

A Debugging Story

While TypeScript is essentially JavaScript with types, the devil is in the details. For instance, TypeScript's strict null checking or interface implementation can prevent common JavaScript errors like undefined is not an object. Let's compare how both languages handle a simple task:

JavaScript Code:

function getUser(id) {
  // Assume fetchDataFromDatabase returns null if no user is found
  const user = fetchDataFromDatabase(id);
  console.log(;  // Potential TypeError if user is null

TypeScript Code:

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;
function getUser(id: number): User | null {
  const user: User | null = fetchDataFromDatabase(id);
  if (user) {
    console.log(;  // Safe access, TypeScript enforces checking
  } else {
    console.log("No user found.");

In the TypeScript version, the type system ensures that you handle the possibility of a "null" user, effectively preventing a class of runtime errors.

Let's take a look at another simple example focused on a common operation: concatenating strings.

JavaScript Code:

function concatenate(first, second) {
  return first + second;

let result = concatenate("Hello, ", "world!");
console.log(result);  // "Hello, world!"
result = concatenate("The total is: ", 30);
console.log(result);  // "The total is: 30"

In this JavaScript snippet, the function concatenate seems to work correctly when both inputs are strings. However, when a string and a number are passed as arguments, JavaScript coerces the number into a string, leading to potentially unintended behavior. While this behavior might not immediately cause a crash, it can lead to subtle, hard-to-track bugs in a larger codebase where the data types of variables are not as clear or consistent.

TypeScript Code:

function concatenate(first: string, second: string): string {
  return first + second;

let result = concatenate("Hello, ", "world!");
console.log(result);  // "Hello, world!"
result = concatenate("The total is: ", 30);  // Error: Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.

In TypeScript, the second call to concatenate would trigger a compile-time error, preventing a subtle bug.


TypeScript's ability to enhance JavaScript's functionality with fewer errors and improved maintainability makes it a strategic choice for developers. It's not just a trend—it's a strategic evolution in web development.

Looking ahead, TypeScript is set to become even more integral to web development as new features and improvements continue to roll out. With the dynamic nature of web standards and the increasing complexity of web applications, TypeScript's role in ensuring robust, error-free code is more important than ever.