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Published on Monday 20 May 2024

Tags: X1 networking1 growth1

Developers Connecting on X? Let's run this experiment.

A collective approach for developers to grow their X followers.

If you are you a developer looking to expand your X network with like-minded professionals, you might have noticed and used the #connect tag on the platform, where developers express their desire to connect with others interested in frontend, backend, SaaS, full stack, and more.


This method involves liking and following back each individual who responds, which can lead to a gradual increase in followers.

If you like and follow one person, and they reciprocate, you gain one follower.

If this process is repeated by each new connection, the growth of your account is linear, depending on the number of individual interactions.

Let's make it more efficient.

What if there's a more efficient way to grow your followers?

Imagine gathering at least 1000 developers through a simple Google Form module. Once you have a list of these dedicated professionals, one email will be sent to all asking them to like and follow all 1000 accounts on the list through an ad-hoc page.

This method ensures that with just one application, each participant could potentially gain up to 1000 new followers (I will exclude any bots).

Here, if every developer on the list follows 1000 others, the total number of new connections made is 1,000 × 1,000 = 1,000,000 new potential connections.

If you apply once, you get 1000 followers.

This is a significant leap from the traditional method, where one interaction equals one new connection.

Of course I used 1000 as an example, since it can be more, depending on the "virality".

How to Participate - Rules

  1. Apply Through the Form: Fill out the Google Form Module below with your email and X profile link.
  2. Share: If you've seen the link to this post on X, retweet the original post to grow its attention quickier. Otherwise share this post directly on X. By leveraging your existing network this will possibly growh the list exponentially.
  3. Wait for the Email: Once I've gathered at least 1000 developers, you'll receive an email with the list of accounts to connect with (or if you follow me, you will also see a post on X about it).

I will ensure that all participants will like all accounts (possibly within a few clicks). Everyone will like and follow each account on the list to rapidly expand your network.

Take Action Now

Apply through the form today, and let's create a network effect that benefits all developers involved.

Encourage developers to participate and share this new method with their networks. By doing so, you're not only growing your own following but also contributing to a community of engaged and supportive developers.