You can use ANY kind of non-standard multi-input single-output function which returns real values.
In this example, we deal with a function of four variables and try to minimize it using the "hyperopt" python module.
Note: for n-variable function you must pass a single parameter as n-sized list, and not n input parameters!
import numpy as np
from hyperopt import fmin, tpe, hp, Trials
from hyperopt import STATUS_OK
def my_fcn(x):
return np.sin(x[0]*(x[1]**2-x[2])/x[3])*np.cos(x[0])
x_mins_dict = fmin(
space=[hp.uniform('x_1', -100, 100), # search range for x[0] from -100 to 100
hp.uniform('x_2', -200, 100), # search range for x[1] from -200 to 100
hp.uniform('x_3', 0, 50), # search range for x[2] from 0 to 50
hp.uniform('x_4', -100, -20) # search range for x[3] from -100 to -20
max_evals=500 # stop searching after 500 iterations
print(x_mins_dict) # the output of fmin is a dictionary
x_mins = [e for e in x_mins_dict.values()] # converts dictionary to list
print("my_fcn(x_mins) = " + str(my_fcn(x_mins))) # print function result at x_mins
Now, it would be nice to plot the function with the corresponing x_mins, it can be a bit hard to find a way to visualize our data in a satisfying way. Therefore, the in the following section the same approach is repeated with a single variable version of the function, in order to nicely plot our results.
Note: even if we use a discrete set of points to plot, the curve is linear spline interpolated. That's why the curve will look continuous.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def my_fcn_single(x):
return np.sin(x*(x**2-x)/x)*np.cos(x)
x = np.linspace(-100,100,1000) # 1000 points equally distributed from -100 to 100
f = np.vectorize(my_fcn_single)
x_min_dict = fmin(fn=my_fcn_single,
space=hp.uniform('x', -100, 100),
x_min = x_min_dict['x']
y_min = my_fcn_single(x_min)
plt.plot(x_min,y_min,color="red", markersize="12",marker='o')